What to do first?
Campus Credit Union have compiled this extensive list of items that, if stolen, might cause your identity to be at risk. The first step is to file a police report; other steps would be dependent upon what type of information you had in your wallet.
File a police report
Report the theft to your local police so that the event is documented by law enforcement. A police report may be beneficial if you have to address subsequent actions taken by the thief. Note: If you become a victim of identity theft, another police report will be required because you will need to document the misuse of your identity, which is a separate crime.
Debit card(s)
Call the financial institution that issued the card to report the event, cancel the card, and obtain a confirmation number for the card’s cancellation. Ask that the stolen card be replaced with a new card with a different number. Review your account online or review your next statements for unauthorized charges. Dispute unauthorized charges directly with the financial institution, not the merchant. If you review your account online and find that unauthorized charges are “pending,” you will have to wait until the charges are posted before you can file a dispute.
Checkbook, individual checks, or deposit slips
Call your financial institution, report the theft of your checkbook, and close the associated account. Putting a “stop pay” order on the stolen checks does not offer enough protection for your bank account. If checks, deposit slips, or anything else stolen contained the bank routing and account numbers, we suggest you close the associated account. A thief may be able to use that data to make payments by phone or internet or even print their own checks with that data.
Credit card
Call the financial institution that issued the card to report the event, cancel the card and obtain a confirmation number for the card’s cancellation. It should be replaced with a new card and number. Dispute unauthorized charges directly with the financial institution, not the merchant.
Social Security card
Consider placing fraud alerts with the three national credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. The fraud alert is a statement added to your credit reports for a limited period of time that indicates potential lenders that you are vulnerable to identity theft and they should take appropriate steps to verify it is you applying before they approve an application for credit that appears to be from you. Call your Kroll Investigator to discuss if this was not mentioned in your initial call.
Driver’s license
Request a replacement of your driver’s license. It is suggested that you call your Department of Motor Vehicles before visiting to ask what identification is required to obtain a replacement.
Health insurance card
Request a replacement card from your insurer and ask if it’s possible to use a different member identification number on the new card. Check future Explanation of Benefits statements closely, and report unauthorized transactions to your insurer and your Kroll Investigator.
Medicare/Medicaid card
Because your Social Security number is on this card, please follow both the “Social Security card” and “Health insurance card” advice, as noted above.
Military ID
Report the lost/stolen card to the on-base security office (due to potential security risk) as well as DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) or the In Processing Building to obtain a replacement. It will be important to notify the on-post bank, as well, if you conduct business there. If Social Security numbers of the military member and dependents are on the ID card, please review the “Social Security card” advice. Note that the suggestion of fraud alerts will not apply to those who do not have credit reports (i.e. children). Also see the “Health insurance card” advice.
Employer ID
Seek replacement of the card and ask the employer to note that the original was stolen. If the card provides access to secure areas, notify security so that the stolen card can be deactivated.
Library, video rental, auto club, fitness center, or other membership card(s)
Any of these types of “membership” cards could cause you to be held liable for something rented or borrowed and not returned, if used by the thief. Therefore, they must be cancelled. Call the issuer of the card to report it as stolen and request a new card with a different account number. Ask if the card was used without your permission prior to your call.
Car registration
Report the theft to the state agency that manages issuance of car registrations.
Car insurance
Notify your insurance company. Ask if a different identification or policy number can be issued.
Green card/immigration papers
Notify the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at www.uscis.gov or 1-800-375-5283.
Contact the U.S. Department of State, Passport Services at https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports/lost-stolen.html, or call 1-877-487-2778. Complete and sign Form DS-64: Statement Regarding a Lost or Stolen Passport, and submit to:
U.S. Department of State
Passport Services, Consular Lost/Stolen Passport Section
1111 19th St. NW Ste. 500
Washington, DC 20036